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In February our two World Habitat Awards winners 2017 will be presented with their trophies at the United Nations World Urban Forum 9 (WUF9) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Representatives of the winning projects, Mutual Housing at Spring Lake and Post-Haiyan Self-Recovery Housing Programme, will be there to receive their Awards.

WUF9 is attended by representatives from governments, NGOs, media, business, researchers and many more! The forum is recognised as the world’s premier conference on cities and is taking place from 7-13 February 2018. The main focus will be on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted at Habitat III.

Throughout the week we’ll be hosting an exhibition stand (number 167, in area 1) showcasing all ten finalists of the 2017 Awards that have demonstrated innovative ways of tackling housing poverty. There will also be the chance for visitors to talk to the winners and find out more about their projects at our side event on Thursday 8 February. Here they will discuss how their housing solutions have made a positive difference to thousands of people’s lives. Join them from 11.30am – 12.30pm in room 406 at the Forum, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center.

Visit our exhibition stand on Friday 9 February between 9am-12pm to hear from a selection of winners and finalists from the past 30 years including the most recent winners. Additionally, our staff will be speaking about new and innovative solutions to housing poverty at talks and events throughout the conference.

For live updates from us at WUF9 follow us on Twitter @WorldHabitat or use the hashtag #WUF9.


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